Slender mbuna - Pseudotropheus elongatus
Scientific name: Pseudotropheus elongatus
Common name: Slender mbuna
Family: Cichlidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 10 - 14 cm (3.94 - 5.51 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 7.5 - 8.9
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 12 - 25°N (214.29 - 446.43ppm)
0°C 32°F30°C 86°F
Recommended temperature: 22 - 27 °C (71.6 - 80.6°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: Africa
Temperament to its own species: aggressive/territorial
Temperament toward other fish species: aggressive/territorial
Usual place in the tank: Middle levels
The slender mbuna should be fed a high protein diet of live or frozen foods. Algae should also be included in this cichlid’s diet to aid in digestion.
Both males and females of this species are bright blue with 6 to 12 dark blue vertical stripes. The males have more dramatic coloring with a darker head and dummy egg spots located on the anal fin.
The slender mbuna is a typical mouthbrooder. The female will hold her brood of 20-40 fry in her mouth for up to three weeks.
7-10 years.
Lake Malawi in East Africa.
This mbuna is easily distinguishable from the others because of its long and slender shape. This is why it is nicknamed the “slender mbuna”.
Aquarium Fishes of the World by Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod, Dr. Warren E. Burgess, Neal Pronek, Glen S. Axelrod, David E. Boruchowitz