Jackson’s ntaka - Copadichromis jacksoni
Scientific name: Copadichromis jacksoni
Common name: Jackson’s ntaka
Family: Cichlidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 17 - 20 cm (6.69 - 7.87 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 7.3 - 8.5
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 9 - 28°N (160.71 - 500ppm)
0°C 32°F30°C 86°F
Recommended temperature: 22 - 27 °C (71.6 - 80.6°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: Africa
Temperament to its own species: peaceful
Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful
Usual place in the tank: Middle levels
Jackson’s Ntaka (Copadichromis jacksoni) is a stunning cichlid species endemic to Lake Malawi, known for its peaceful temperament and vibrant coloration. These fish thrive in a well-maintained aquarium with the right environment and diet. They are ideal for aquarists who want to add a touch of elegance to their tank.
Food and Feeding
Jackson’s Ntakas require a high-quality diet to maintain their health and vibrant colors. Offer them a staple of quality flakes or pellets formulated for cichlids. Supplement their diet with occasional treats of krill, brine shrimp, and blood worms to ensure variety and nutritional balance. Take care not to overfeed, as this species is prone to Malawi bloat, a common health issue in Lake Malawi cichlids.
This species is native to Lake Malawi, Africa, a biodiversity hotspot renowned for its clear waters and rocky habitats. The cichlids from this region are celebrated for their bright colors and unique behaviors, making them highly sought after in the aquarium hobby.
Sexing Jackson’s Ntaka is relatively straightforward. Males tend to be slightly larger with brighter, more vibrant coloration compared to females. Look for egg spots on the caudal fin—males typically have three, whereas females usually display two.
Jackson’s Ntakas are maternal mouth brooders. During spawning, the female scoops up the eggs into her mouth for incubation. The eggs hatch within 2-3 weeks, and the fry are released when ready to swim freely. At this stage, feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp or finely powdered fry food to support their growth.
With proper care, Jackson’s Ntakas can live for up to 8 years. Ensuring consistent water quality, a balanced diet, and a suitable tank environment are key to their longevity.
Tank Setup
Provide a spacious tank with a minimum capacity of 150 liters (40 gallons) to accommodate their size and territorial behavior. Include plenty of rockwork to create hiding places, as these cichlids can be territorial, especially during breeding. Use a sandy substrate, as they enjoy sifting through the sand in search of food. Ensure proper filtration and regular water changes to maintain water quality.
Jackson’s Ntakas are peaceful cichlids that do well in a community setup with other Lake Malawi species or non-aggressive tank mates. Avoid keeping them with overly aggressive or much larger fish to prevent stress and conflict.
Short Description
Jackson’s Ntakas are peaceful, colorful cichlids native to Lake Malawi. They are maternal mouth brooders and thrive in tanks with plenty of rockwork and sandy substrates. Careful attention to diet and water quality ensures their health and vibrancy.
Bought by aqua-fish.net from jjphoto.dk.