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Anubias barteri “Nana”

Anubias barteri “Nana”

Scientific name: Anubias barteri “Nana”

Family: Araceae

Usual maximum size in aquariums: 5 - 15 cm (1.97 - 5.91 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 5.5 - 8.9

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 12°N (71.43 - 214.29ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 20 - 30 °C (68 - 86°F)

Reproduction of the plant: Rhizome

Origin (in the wild): Africa

How fast these plants grow: Slow

Recommended substrate: Gravel

Demands on lighting: Subdued

Ideal placement in a fish tank: Foreground

Common Names



Anubias barteri “Nana” originates from West Africa.

Planting Area

Ideal areas where to plant this Anubias is midground to foreground.

Lighting Requirements

Like other Anubias, these don’t have high lighting requirements, however will tolerate almost all levels. These plants won’t have troubles growing in shades of other tall plants such as Vallisneria or Echinodorus.


Right after adding a new plant to the tank, ensure that the rhizome isn’t buried deeply in the substrate as it causes the plant to die. Simply divide the rhizome into pieces in order to reproduce this species; Each section will start forming a new one. Attach this Anubias to rocks or wood, however it can be placed on the substrate where it will attach as time goes by.


Aquarium care is easy, due to slow growth rate it doesn’t need any special trimming even though adding a fertiliser occasionally is recommended. Does tolerate a large scale of water parameters and shouldn’t need cutting back.

Short Description

This is probably the most popular of the Anubias species. They are a small, contained plant with a very slow growth rate, ideal for a low maintenance tank. The leaves are long lasting and older leaves will probably be encrusted with algal growth but this tends to enhance the appearance of the plant. This species will flower under the water and has a pungent taste which means that fish will not nibble at it.

Old profile - Updated on 06/09/2009

Very beautiful aquarium plant, but very difficult to grow. Use fertilizer for initial acclimatization.Older leaves become dark green and new ones are light green. Make sure that the rhizome is attached to gravel or rock properly, otherwise the water current will make it a floating plant.Great addition for the Panda Cory fry which like to hide there.


Thanks to Loic Maheas-Smith.

Anubias barteri ’Nana’ picture Anubias nana, resized small image

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