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Red port acara - Cichlasoma portalegrense

Red port acara - Cichlasoma portalegrense

Scientific name: Cichlasoma portalegrense

Common name: Red port acara

Family: Cichlidae

Usual size in fish tanks: 10 - 12 cm (3.94 - 4.72 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6.5 - 7

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 3 - 10°N (53.57 - 178.57ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 19 - 24 °C (66.2 - 75.2°F)

The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning

Where the species comes from: South America

Temperament to its own species: peaceful

Temperament toward other fish species: aggressive to smaller

Usual place in the tank: Bottom levels


The Red Port Acara (Cichlasoma portalegrense) is native to the rivers and streams of South America, specifically Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. These fish typically inhabit shallow streams with slow-moving, soft water. Their natural environment consists of sandy bottoms with scattered rocks, submerged wood, and plant debris, providing plenty of hiding spaces and areas for foraging. The soft, acidic water conditions in their native habitat are important to replicate in the aquarium for their well-being.

Short Description

The Red Port Acara gets its name from Porto Alegre in Brazil, the location where the species was first collected for the aquarium trade. Although they don’t possess the vivid markings of other Acaras, they remain a popular choice for fish keepers because of their relatively peaceful nature and ease of care. Their manageable size and adaptability make them an ideal species for novice cichlid enthusiasts. In the aquarium, they reach a size of about 10-12 cm (3.94-4.72 inches), and are also known as the Port Acara or Black Acara. Despite their muted colors, their natural grace and ease of breeding make them a favored addition to community tanks with other peaceful cichlids.


With proper care, the Red Port Acara can live for up to 6 years in captivity. Maintaining clean water, providing a balanced diet, and preventing stress through proper tank conditions are key to ensuring they reach their full lifespan. Ensuring a stable environment with minimal fluctuations in water parameters will contribute to their overall health and longevity.

General Care

The Red Port Acara is an easy species to care for, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. These fish are known for being high waste producers, like most cichlids, so excellent filtration is crucial to maintain water quality. A tank of at least 113 liters (30 gallons) is recommended for one or two specimens, but larger tanks are necessary if keeping more fish. The water temperature should be kept between 19-24°C (66.2-75.2°F), with a pH range of 6.5-7.0. Regular water changes of about 10% weekly are necessary to keep water clean and healthy for the fish.

Because they enjoy digging through the substrate, a sand bottom is ideal, and decorations like rocks and driftwood can create hiding spaces. Plants may be added, but they risk being uprooted as the fish sift through the sand. Floating plants can be a good option to provide shade and reduce stress. It is also important to position the filter’s outlet towards the water’s surface to increase oxygen levels, as these fish prefer well-oxygenated water with slight currents.

While generally peaceful, Red Port Acaras can become territorial, especially during breeding. They do well with other similarly sized cichlids and bottom dwellers but may show aggression towards smaller tank mates or during spawning. Providing enough space and visual barriers, such as plants or rocks, can help minimize territorial disputes.

Food and Feeding

Although primarily carnivorous, Red Port Acaras will benefit from a varied diet. Their staple diet should consist of high-quality cichlid pellets, but it’s important to offer a mix of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and mosquito larvae to meet their protein needs. Regularly feeding them vegetable matter, such as spirulina flakes, blanched peas, or zucchini slices, will help balance their diet and improve digestion. This variety in their diet also promotes vibrant coloration and overall health.


Sexing Red Port Acaras is relatively straightforward. Mature males tend to be larger than females and develop extended fin rays, particularly on their dorsal and anal fins. During the breeding season, these differences become more noticeable. Males may also display slightly more vivid colors, especially around their fins, as they prepare to attract females.


Breeding Red Port Acaras in captivity is relatively easy. They are substrate spawners, meaning they will dig a nest in the sand where the female will lay her eggs. To encourage breeding, raise the water temperature slightly (to around 25°C or 77°F), which often triggers spawning behavior. The pair will perform a courting dance before the female deposits her eggs, which the male then fertilizes. It is important to ensure the pair is well-fed during the breeding process to support their energy needs.

The eggs usually hatch within 4 days. Initially, the fry will rely on their yolk sacs for nutrition, but once they become free-swimming, they should be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or commercial fry food until they are large enough to eat other foods like micro-worms or finely crushed flakes. Parental care is common with Red Port Acaras, with both parents guarding the fry and protecting them from potential threats in the tank.

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