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Recent discussions at Aqua-Fish+
  1. ja at Comprehensive Care Guide for Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara) – Habitat, Breeding & Tank Setup on
  2. ja at Caring for Rainbow Sharks: Tank Setup, Behavior, and Maintenance Guide on …display more of the recent discussions
  3. ja at Comprehensive Guide to Clown Loach Care: Habitat, Diet, Behavior & Health on
  4. ja at Comprehensive Guide to White Cloud Mountain Minnow Care: Habitat, Diet, and Breeding on
  5. ja at A Comprehensive Guide to Aquarium Air Stones: Usage, Suppliers, and Product Images on
  6. ja at Comprehensive Guide to Caring for and Breeding Electric Blue Haps on
  7. ja at Complete Guide to Growing and Propagating Hygrophila Corymbosa in Aquariums on
  8. PondSealer at Maintainging a garden fish pond tasks on
  9. TheFishWorks at A guide on growing aquarium plants with FAQ, forum and species on
  10. Salviashaman at A guide on caring for Congo tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) on

A collection of links

If you own a website dedicated to raising fish, growing aquarium plants, setting up ponds, or basically related to any related topic, let us know to exchange the links, please.

If you'd like to link to Aqua-Fish.Net, feel free to do so!

Bear in mind Aqua-Fish.Net has no control over the websites listed below. Links may not be active any longer, websites may have changed their owners or content. However we do our best to verify whether the links still point to the right websites and we may update this list from time to time.

  • Aquarium fish and plants;
  •; Aquariadise is an informative freshwater aquarium website containing photos, articles, tips&tricks and DIY projects to inspire you!
  • Pet Fish Plants; Welcome to, a community and online marketplace where we sell aquarium plants, seeds and fish. Our goal is to share knowledge and resources for you, the aquarist, to grow your hobby to new levels of creativity.
  • The Witty Fish; A blog built by and for freshwater aquarium enthusiasts. We cover everything from freshwater aquarium fish, fish care, other aquatic pets, aquatic plants, aquariums & and equipment
  • Animal Corner - Animal Corner is an constantly expanding animal encyclopedia that can be used by students and teachers or anyone wishing to learn about animals and their environments. Animal Corner features pets, wildlife, insects, Marine life, farm animals, Galapagos wildlife, Rainforest animals, venomous creatures and Reptiles.
  • Bassfishing gurus - We are a comprehensive bass fishing site with tips, in-depth techniques, complete tackle including lures, weights, bobbers, hooks, reels, rods, know types and forum, with lodge listings and fishing for kids. Over 500 pages of everything bass!
  • tropical fish centre
  • Next Day Koi - Koi fish for sale, informative articles about koi, goldfish and ponds.
  • About Fish Online - Information on freshwater and marine fish keeping, aquarium maintenance, species profiles with photos, and a forum.
  • National Aquaculture Group NAQUA - National Aquaculture Group is one of the largest aquaculture operation of its type in the world. We are proud to breed different marine species ranging from fish and shrimp to marine algae and sea cucumber.
  • Deep sea animals; Information about Deep sea fishes, Animals, Explorations, Foods, Creatures, Games, Underwater explorations, Deep sea research, adventures and news.
  •; Dutch aquarium website with tips for the beginning aquarist on how to set up an aquarium.
  • Tropical Rainforest Conservation;
  • - Bartagamen-Forum
  • Aquarium Care Basics; A freshwater aquarium care guide focusing on aquarium setup, tank maintenance and fish keeping, with helpful tips for the aquatic community
  • AquariumKids; AquariumKids is dedicated to educating kids, their parents, and everyone else with care sheets, articles, videos, and more. Our mission is to ensure that kids and young adults play a crucial role in the future of aquaria.
  • Freshwater and saltwater aquarium software - AquarioGest
  • Fishbase.Org;
  • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals;
  • The Planted Tank Guide; Comprehensive freshwater aquarium and aquascaping guide
  • GiobelKoiCenter - Sells koi, goldfish, bettas, guppies and other ornamental fish, and also offers information on building fish ponds.

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