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Echinodorus amazonicus

Echinodorus amazonicus

Scientific name: Echinodorus amazonicus

Family: Alismataceae

Usual maximum size in aquariums: 30 - 50 cm (11.81 - 19.69 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6.5 - 7.2

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 22 - 30 °C (71.6 - 86°F)

Reproduction of the plant: Runners

Origin (in the wild): South America

How fast these plants grow: Slow

Recommended substrate: Fine gravel

Demands on lighting: Medium

Ideal placement in a fish tank: Middle



Common Names

Amazon Sword


Echinodorus amazonicus is native to South America, particularly found in the rivers and streams of Brazil. In the wild, it thrives in slow-moving or still waters, often partially or fully submerged.


Echinodorus amazonicus, commonly known as Amazon Sword, reproduces primarily through runners, making it relatively easy to propagate in aquariums. The plant sends out runners along the substrate, from which new plantlets will develop. Once the daughter plants are well-established and have their own root systems, they can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted elsewhere in the aquarium. For best results, ensure that the crown of the plant is not buried too deeply in the substrate, as this could lead to rotting.

An alternative method of propagation is by seed, although this is less common in aquarium settings. To encourage seed production, the plant can be grown emersed (with its leaves above water), which may result in the development of a flower stalk. The flowers can be manually pollinated using a fine brush to spread the pollen between the flowers. Once pollinated, the plant will produce seed pods that, when mature, can be used to grow new plants. However, propagation by runners is far simpler and more commonly used.


Easy. Echinodorus amazonicus is a hardy plant that adapts well to a variety of aquarium environments. It grows best in medium lighting and soft to moderately hard water, with minimal maintenance required. This makes it ideal for both beginner and experienced aquarists. Regular monitoring of water conditions will help ensure the plant stays healthy and vibrant.

Short Description

Echinodorus amazonicus, or Amazon Sword, is one of the most popular aquatic plants for freshwater aquariums due to its hardy nature and striking appearance. It can grow up to 50 cm (19.69 inches), making it ideal for midground or background placement in larger tanks. Its large, sword-shaped leaves create an attractive focal point and provide ample hiding places for fish and shrimp, making it a great addition to community tanks. For smaller aquariums, careful placement is required to prevent the plant from overcrowding the tank and limiting swimming space for fish.

Amazon Sword is also well-known for its adaptability. While it thrives in nutrient-rich substrates, it can also grow in less optimal conditions as long as basic care needs are met. When first introduced to the tank, it may experience some yellowing of its lower leaves. This is typically a sign of nutrient deficiency and can be remedied by using liquid fertilizers or root tabs to provide essential nutrients like iron and potassium. Regular trimming of dead or decaying leaves will also help keep the plant healthy.

Maintenance and Care

Echinodorus amazonicus thrives in a pH range of 6.5 to 7.2 and can tolerate water hardness levels from 4 to 18°N (71.43 - 321.43 ppm). The ideal temperature range is between 22 - 30°C (71.6 - 86°F), making it suitable for a variety of tropical freshwater setups. It grows best in fine gravel or nutrient-rich substrates that allow its roots to anchor and spread.

Amazon Sword benefits from medium to bright lighting, though it can tolerate low-light environments. For optimal growth, provide adequate lighting of around 8-10 hours per day. The plant grows slowly but steadily, and regular pruning of older leaves will encourage new growth. For aquarists looking to enhance the plant’s growth, using CO₂ injection and adding liquid fertilizers or root tabs can promote healthier and faster growth, though these supplements are not strictly necessary.

Be mindful of algae growth on the leaves, which can occur in new tank setups or when water quality fluctuates. Regular water changes, proper filtration, and maintaining balanced nutrient levels can help prevent algae buildup. If algae appears, gently clean the leaves without damaging them to avoid plant stress.


Amazon Sword is compatible with a wide variety of freshwater species, including community fish, shrimp, and snails. Its tall, broad leaves provide shelter and hiding spots for smaller fish and fry, making it a useful addition for breeding or community tanks. Herbivorous fish, such as certain species of plecos, may nibble on the plant’s leaves, so it's important to monitor plant health if kept with such fish. For optimal compatibility, pair Amazon Sword with peaceful species that won't disturb or damage its leaves.

Submersion and Aquascaping

Fully submersible, Echinodorus amazonicus is highly prized in aquascaping for its ability to create a dramatic, lush effect in the midground or background of larger aquariums. Its large, vibrant green leaves contrast well with smaller plants and add vertical interest to aquascapes. Amazon Sword is particularly well-suited for natural or biotope-themed tanks that replicate South American river habitats. Due to its size, it is best used as a centerpiece in larger tanks or as a background plant that can fill empty spaces and provide visual balance in the aquascape.

Echinodorus amazonicus picture

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