Cryptocoryne nevillii
Scientific name: Cryptocoryne nevillii
Family: Araceae
Usual maximum size in aquariums: 0 - 10 cm (0 - 3.94 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 6.3 - 7.4
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 12°N (71.43 - 214.29ppm)
0°C 32°F30°C 86°F
Recommended temperature: 20 - 25 °C (68 - 77°F)
Reproduction of the plant: Runners
Origin (in the wild): Sri Lanka
How fast these plants grow: Slow
Recommended substrate: Fine gravel
Demands on lighting: Bright
Ideal placement in a fish tank: Foreground
Common Name
Crypt Nevilli
Cryptocoryne nevillii is native to South Asia, primarily found in Sri Lanka and southern India. This plant naturally grows in tropical environments, thriving along riverbanks, marshes, and shaded wetlands. While often associated with Sri Lanka, there has been debate over its exact origin, and it is now widely considered to be a hybrid of Cryptocoryne willisii. Its adaptability and charming appearance have made it a favorite among aquarists worldwide.
Growing Conditions
Cryptocoryne nevillii is a compact plant ideal for the foreground of aquariums. It grows slowly, reaching a maximum height of 10 cm (3.94 inches), and thrives in a stable environment. This species prefers bright lighting to maintain its vibrant appearance, although it can tolerate moderate light levels. Bright light helps promote compact growth and prevents the plant from becoming leggy.
The plant grows best in a fine gravel substrate, which supports its delicate root system. It thrives in water with a pH range of 6.3 - 7.4 and water hardness between 4 - 12°N (71.43 - 214.29 ppm). A temperature range of 20 - 25°C (68 - 77°F) provides optimal conditions for growth. While CO2 supplementation is not required, it can encourage healthier growth and improve the plant's coloration.
Planting Area
Due to its compact size and lush growth pattern, Cryptocoryne nevillii is perfect for the foreground of aquascapes. Its vibrant green leaves create a beautiful contrast against other plants, adding depth and texture to the aquarium. This plant pairs well with taller species, such as Cryptocoryne wendtii or Echinodorus, creating a layered, natural look in the tank. To avoid overcrowding, plant C. nevillii in small clusters with adequate spacing to allow for propagation.
Propagation of Cryptocoryne nevillii is straightforward and achieved through runners. The mother plant produces horizontal stems that develop miniature plantlets over time. Once these plantlets establish roots and a few leaves, they can be carefully separated from the runner and replanted in the substrate. Regular trimming of runners helps manage the spread of the plant and keeps the aquascape tidy. Ensure the new plantlets are securely placed in the substrate to prevent them from floating away.
Cryptocoryne nevillii is considered easy to care for, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Its slow growth rate means it requires minimal maintenance, though stable water conditions are essential for its health. Like many Cryptocoryne species, it is sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters, which can trigger “Crypt melt” - a condition where the plant sheds its leaves due to stress. Allow the plant to acclimate gradually, and new growth will emerge in time.
Short Description
Cryptocoryne nevillii, commonly referred to as Crypt Nevilli, is a charming foreground plant known for its compact size and vibrant green leaves. Its slow growth and ease of care make it a favorite among aquarists. Despite debates about its origin, it is widely regarded as a hybrid of Cryptocoryne willisii. The plant grows best under bright lighting in fine gravel substrates and thrives in stable water conditions. Once established, it propagates easily through runners, producing new plantlets to expand its coverage in the aquarium.
This hardy plant is perfect for creating natural aquascapes, offering texture and contrast against larger background species. Avoid frequent relocation to prevent stress and ensure the plant has time to settle into its environment. With proper care, Cryptocoryne nevillii will enhance the beauty of any aquarium with its vibrant, lush foliage.