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Anubias barteri

Anubias barteri

Scientific name: Anubias barteri

Family: Araceae

Usual maximum size in aquariums: 25 - 40 cm (9.84 - 15.75 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 7.5

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 20 - 30 °C (68 - 86°F)

Reproduction of the plant: Rhizome

Origin (in the wild): Africa

How fast these plants grow: Slow

Recommended substrate: Fine gravel

Demands on lighting: Medium

Ideal placement in a fish tank: Middle

Common Names

Anubias, Anubias Barteri


Anubias barteri originates from the tropical regions of West Africa. It thrives along riverbanks, streams, and shaded wetlands, often growing fully submerged or partially emerged in slow-moving or stagnant waters. This adaptability to different conditions makes it a hardy choice for aquariums.

Growth Rate

Anubias barteri is a very slow-growing plant. Under ideal conditions, it typically produces a new leaf only every 2 to 3 months. While its slow growth can be frustrating for those seeking faster results, it makes the plant a low-maintenance option for aquascapes, as it requires less frequent trimming and maintenance.

Planting Area

This versatile plant can be placed in the midground or background of an aquarium, depending on the tank size and design. Anubias barteri thrives when attached to hardscape elements like rocks or driftwood, where it creates a natural, lush look. It’s best not to bury the rhizome in the substrate to avoid rot. Instead, attach it to rocks or wood, allowing it to naturally anchor itself over time.

Lighting Requirements

Anubias barteri adapts well to a range of lighting conditions, from bright to moderate. While it can survive in lower light setups, avoid placing it in overly shady spots as it still requires some light to grow healthily. Higher light levels won’t drastically speed up its growth, but they can help maintain the plant’s color and overall health.


Propagating Anubias barteri is easy, making it suitable for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. Simply divide the rhizome into smaller sections, ensuring each piece has a few leaves attached. Attach the divided rhizomes to hard surfaces like rocks or driftwood using fishing line or plant-safe glue, and over time, the plant will root itself naturally.


Anubias barteri is one of the hardiest and easiest aquatic plants to care for, capable of tolerating a wide range of water parameters. It thrives in various pH levels, temperatures, and water hardness, making it ideal for most aquariums. Its low light and nutrient requirements make it perfect for low-tech setups and beginner tanks.

Short Description

Anubias barteri is known for its thick, arrow-shaped leaves that can grow fully submerged or partially out of the water, making it suitable for both aquatic and semi-aquatic setups. Despite its slow growth, it adds timeless beauty to any aquascape, offering a contrasting focal point against faster-growing species. Its hardy leaves are also resistant to herbivorous fish, making it a good choice for tanks with cichlids or goldfish. Once established, Anubias barteri requires minimal care and can last for many years in your aquarium.

Anubias barteri picture 1 Anubias barteri picture 2 Anubias barteri picture 3 Anubias barteri picture 4 Anubias barteri picture 5

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