T-Barb - Puntius lateristriga
Scientific name: Puntius lateristriga
Common name: T-Barb
Family: Cyprinidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 15 - 18 cm (5.91 - 7.09 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 6.5
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 12°N (71.43 - 214.29ppm)
0°C 32°F30°C 86°F
Recommended temperature: 23 - 29 °C (73.4 - 84.2°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: South Asia
Temperament to its own species: peaceful
Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful
Usual place in the tank: Bottom levels
The T-Barb is omnivorous and will feed on a variety of live foods and veggie matter. They will also accept a wide variety of store bought foods such as flakes and algae wafers.
Females are less colorful and are plumper than the males.
These egg scattering barbs are not protective parents. Thousands of eggs are typically laid in each brood. The parents should be removed soon after spawning.
The T-Barb will live for approximately 8 years.
The T-Barb is endemic to Southeast Asia in quick moving rivers and streams.
Short Description
T-Barbs are active swimmers that require plenty of open water in the aquarium for swimming. Low, dense plants come in handy for spawning.