Purple labeo - Labeo congoro
Scientific name: Labeo congoro
Common name: Purple labeo
Family: Cyprinidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 39 - 42 cm (15.35 - 16.54 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 7 - 8
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 12 - 23°N (214.29 - 410.71ppm)
0°C 32°F30°C 86°F
Recommended temperature: 22 - 27 °C (71.6 - 80.6°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: Africa
Temperament to its own species: aggressive/territorial
Temperament toward other fish species: aggressive to smaller
Usual place in the tank: Bottom levels
Food and feeding
In the wild this fish is a voracious algae eater so in the aquarium it requires a high vegetable matter diet. Feed with quality flake and algae wafers. The addition of lettuce, peas and spinach will also be readily taken.
Africa; Purple labeo’s are found in Lake Tanganyika and also waterways of Tanzania
There are no visible differences between the sexes.
As of yet, there are no reported cases of this fish breeding in the aquarium.
The expected life span for Labeo congoro is 8 years.
Short description
Labeo congoro is a supply of food for the local inhabitants and is widely fished for. They are intolerant of their own species so a single specimen should be kept in the aquarium. Provide hiding places and water current to keep these fish happy. They are high waste producers; a good filtration system is a must.