Ehrhardt’s cory - Corydoras ehrhardti
Scientific name: Corydoras ehrhardti
Common name: Ehrhardt’s cory
Family: Callichthyidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 3 - 4 cm (1.18 - 1.57 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 6.4 - 7.3
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 20°N (71.43 - 357.14ppm)
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Recommended temperature: 23 - 27 °C (73.4 - 80.6°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: South America
Temperament to its own species: peaceful
Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful
Usual place in the tank: Bottom levels
The Ehrhardt’s Cory (Corydoras ehrhardti) is native to the freshwater waterways of South America, particularly in Brazil. They inhabit slow-moving rivers and streams with plenty of vegetation and soft substrates. Replicating these natural conditions in the aquarium is key to keeping them healthy and stress-free.
Tank Requirements
Ehrhardt’s Cories are small, peaceful bottom dwellers that require a minimum tank size of 40 liters (10 gallons) for a group of 5 or more. They prefer tanks with soft sand or fine gravel substrate to protect their sensitive barbels while foraging. Provide plenty of hiding places using plants, driftwood, or caves, as they appreciate shaded areas for retreat.
The tank should be well-planted and have low to moderate water flow to mimic their natural habitat. Maintain the water parameters within a temperature range of 23-27°C (73.4-80.6°F), a pH of 6.4-7.3, and a water hardness between 4-20°N (71.43-357.14 ppm). Regular partial water changes are essential to maintain high water quality, as these fish are sensitive to pollutants.
Ehrhardt’s Cories are peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other non-aggressive species. Suitable tankmates include:
- Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)
- Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
- Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia)
- Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae)
- Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)
Food and Feeding
Ehrhardt’s Cories are bottom feeders and will accept most types of food. To ensure they receive adequate nutrition, use quality sinking pellets, flakes, and algae wafers as the staple diet. They also enjoy treats of live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and white worms. Offer these treats 1-2 times a week to provide variety and maintain their health. As they are active during the day and night, feeding them in the evening can ensure that they get their share of food without competition from faster swimmers.
Determining the sex of Ehrhardt’s Corydoras can be challenging. However, when viewed from above, females are generally slightly larger and have a plumper body shape compared to males. The fuller body shape of females becomes more noticeable when they are ready to spawn.
While there are limited reports of Corydoras ehrhardti being bred in home aquariums, they are believed to be egg scatterers, similar to other Corydoras species. To encourage breeding, provide a heavily planted tank with soft, acidic water and raise the temperature slightly. The addition of spawning mops or fine-leaved plants will give the female a surface to attach the eggs. After spawning, remove the adults to prevent them from eating the eggs. The eggs should hatch within 3-5 days, and the fry will be free-swimming a few days later. Feed the fry with infusoria or finely crushed flakes initially, then gradually introduce newly hatched brine shrimp as they grow.
The expected lifespan of Ehrhardt’s Corydoras is 3-5 years when kept in optimal water conditions and provided with a balanced diet. Regular tank maintenance, including water changes, is essential to support their health and longevity.
Short Description
Ehrhardt’s Corydoras are small, peaceful bottom-dwelling fish that are best kept in groups of at least 5 to promote natural schooling behavior. They prefer a tank with plenty of hiding places and soft substrates to prevent damage to their barbels. Due to their sensitive nature, they should be housed with other non-aggressive species in a well-maintained aquarium. Their charming behavior and ease of care make them an excellent addition to a peaceful community setup.
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