Slender betta - Betta bellica
Scientific name: Betta bellica
Common name: Slender betta
Family: Osphronemidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 8 - 10 cm (3.15 - 3.94 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 7.5
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 10 - 18°N (178.57 - 321.43ppm)
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Recommended temperature: 24 - 30 °C (75.2 - 86°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: South Asia
Temperament to its own species: peaceful
Temperament toward other fish species: aggressive/territorial
Usual place in the tank: Middle levels
Short Description
The Slender Betta (Betta bellica) is a peaceful and strikingly elegant freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. Renowned for their elongated body and subtle coloration, these fish thrive in well-planted aquariums with calm tankmates. They require a tank setup that mimics their natural habitat with ample hiding places and subdued lighting. Their gentle demeanor makes them ideal for experienced aquarists looking to maintain a harmonious aquarium environment.
Slender Bettas are native to Southeast Asia, specifically in regions of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Sumatra. They inhabit slow-moving rivers, peat swamps, and densely vegetated areas where water is soft and slightly acidic, providing cover and breeding grounds.
Tank Requirements
To accommodate their needs, Slender Bettas should be housed in aquariums of at least 60 liters (15 gallons). Maintain water temperatures between 24-30°C (75.2-86°F), a pH range of 6-7.5, and a water hardness of 10-18°N (178.57-321.43 ppm). A soft substrate and plentiful plants, such as Java moss and floating vegetation, help replicate their natural habitat. Include driftwood or caves for additional hiding spots, and ensure the water flow is minimal to keep them stress-free. Subdued lighting is ideal to enhance their natural coloration and create a tranquil environment.
Food and Feeding
Slender Bettas are omnivorous and require a varied diet for optimal health. High-quality flake or pellet food should serve as the staple, supplemented with live or frozen treats such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Feeding them small portions twice daily ensures they receive adequate nutrition without overfeeding, which can harm water quality.
Slender Bettas are peaceful and can coexist with other calm and non-aggressive tankmates. Suitable companions include small schooling fish like rasboras, small gouramis, and Corydoras catfish. Avoid housing them with fin-nipping species or overly active fish, as these can cause stress. Providing ample hiding places helps reduce territorial disputes and ensures a harmonious tank environment.
Sexing Slender Bettas is relatively straightforward. Males are larger and display more vibrant coloration than females. Their fins are also longer and more pronounced, making them easy to distinguish, especially during courtship or breeding.
Slender Bettas are bubble nest builders. The male constructs a nest at the water surface, where he invites the female to lay her eggs. After spawning, the male takes on full parental duties, guarding the eggs and maintaining the nest. It is recommended to remove the female after spawning to prevent potential injuries caused by the male's defensive behavior. Once the fry become free-swimming, they can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or finely powdered fry food to ensure proper growth.
With proper care, Slender Bettas can live for 2-3 years. Providing a stable and clean environment, along with a nutritious diet, is essential for their health and longevity.
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