Blue band mouthbrooder - Betta enisae
Scientific name: Betta enisae
Common name: Blue band mouthbrooder
Family: Osphronemidae
Usual size in fish tanks: 8 - 9 cm (3.15 - 3.54 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 5.3 - 6.9
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 2 - 15°N (35.71 - 267.86ppm)
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Recommended temperature: 22 - 26 °C (71.6 - 78.8°F)
The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning
Where the species comes from: South Asia
Temperament to its own species: peaceful
Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful
Usual place in the tank: Middle levels
Food and feeding
Blue band mouthbrooders will accept most foods. Quality flake can be given but it should be a varied diet. Live or frozen foods are preferred by this fish. Blood worms and white worms along with brine shrimp are ideal.
Asia; Blue band mouthbrooders are to be found in Indonesia and Kalimantan.
Males tend to be slightly larger than the females with more colouration, in fact the females can look quite drab compared to the males.
Add floating plants to the breeding tank with plenty of hiding places. The water should be soft and acidic. These fish are mouth brooders with the male doing the brooding. They will spawn near the substrate and the female will spit the eggs to the male. The incubation will normally last for 10 days; the fry will then be released. They can be fed on newly hatched brine shrimp or micro worms.
The expected life span for Blue band mouthbrooder is 3-5 years.
Short description
Betta enisae are a very peaceful species and can be kept in a community tank. They prefer a heavily planted tank with acidic water.