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Pike livebearer - Belonesox belizanus

Pike livebearer - Belonesox belizanus

Scientific name: Belonesox belizanus

Common name: Pike livebearer

Family: Poeciliidae

Usual size in fish tanks: 12 - 15 cm (4.72 - 5.91 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6.8 - 8.2

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 12 - 30°N (214.29 - 535.71ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 25 - 30 °C (77 - 86°F)

The way how these fish reproduce: Pseudo-Livebearer

Where the species comes from: Central America

Temperament to its own species: peaceful

Temperament toward other fish species: aggressive to smaller

Usual place in the tank: Middle levels


The Pike Livebearer (Belonesox belizanus) is native to freshwater rivers and coastal areas of Central America, including countries such as Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. These fish inhabit slow-moving, oxygen-poor waters with dense aquatic vegetation, where they use the cover of plants to ambush prey. They are well-adapted to both freshwater and brackish environments, depending on their location.


In captivity, the Pike Livebearer can live for more than 5 years with proper care. Maintaining stable water conditions and providing a nutritious, balanced diet are essential for ensuring their longevity.

Short Description

The Pike Livebearer is a predatory species that thrives in waters low in oxygen and thick with aquatic vegetation, making them highly skilled at ambushing prey. As they mature, their aggressive tendencies increase, and they are best housed with other fish of similar size and temperament to avoid predatory behavior toward smaller tank mates.

Due to their aggressive nature, it is often recommended to keep these fish in a species-only tank or with large, robust fish that can defend themselves. Their aquarium should be spacious, heavily planted, and dimly lit. Floating plants are particularly useful for diffusing light and creating the shaded conditions they prefer. Bright lighting can cause stress and agitation in these fish, making them feel exposed and vulnerable.

Pike Livebearers can tolerate both freshwater and brackish water setups, though adult specimens tend to fare better in slightly brackish water. Adding one tablespoon of salt per 3.8 liters (1 US gallon) of water is a good rule of thumb for creating the ideal brackish environment for adults. Despite their large size and aggressive predatory habits, Pike Livebearers are closely related to Guppies and Swordtails. Like these smaller relatives, they are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young instead of laying eggs, producing multiple batches of fry throughout the year.

Food and Feeding

The Pike Livebearer is a carnivorous predator that requires a diet rich in live foods. In the wild, they hunt small fish, insects, worms, and crustaceans. In captivity, they thrive on live fish, though they will also accept frozen or dried meaty foods, such as bloodworms, shrimp, and insect larvae. Their appetite is voracious, and keeping adult Pike Livebearers well-fed can be costly, especially if you rely on feeder fish.

It is important to offer a varied diet that mimics their natural hunting patterns. While feeder fish can be used, it is best to supplement with other protein-rich foods to ensure proper nutrition and reduce the risk of dietary deficiencies. Care should be taken to avoid overfeeding, as this species is prone to eating beyond its needs if given the opportunity.


Sexing Pike Livebearers is relatively simple due to the significant size difference between males and females. Females grow to nearly twice the size of mature males, reaching up to 20 cm (8 inches) in length, while males remain smaller. Additionally, females display a slight red tint on the anal fin, and their caudal peduncle has a less noticeable spot compared to males.


Breeding Pike Livebearers is fairly straightforward, as they are prolific breeders and can produce up to 120 fry per batch. To ensure optimal breeding conditions, add a small amount of salt to the breeding tank to replicate the brackish environments where they naturally breed. The exact number of fry per batch can vary depending on the age and health of the female, with older females typically producing larger broods.

After birth, it’s crucial to transfer the fry to a separate grow-out tank, as the adult Pike Livebearers may attempt to eat their young. Additionally, the fry themselves can exhibit cannibalistic behavior, so it’s important to separate larger fry from smaller ones as they grow. Fry should be fed small, protein-rich foods such as newly hatched brine shrimp or micro-worms. As they grow, you can gradually introduce larger food items similar to what adult fish consume.

While breeding Pike Livebearers is relatively easy, raising the fry can be challenging due to their constant need for food and space. Fry are voracious and require frequent feedings, making it essential to have a well-planned breeding setup. Aquarists should be prepared for the substantial effort involved in raising the young and consider the limited market demand for this specialized species before attempting large-scale breeding projects.


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