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Cichlid Food - Facts and Types of Food for Cichlids

There are a large number of cichlids sold and bred in the aquarium industry today. Just as these cichlids can be diverse, so are their eating habits and needs. This is why the foods they are fed come in all different shapes and forms. In the aquarium industry it is highly recommended that you feed your cichlids a variety of foods to keep them well balanced and healthy. This helps to promote growth as well as reproduction and it improves the color and quality of your fish. Cichlids all have the same basic needs despite their difference of original habitats. They all need to get the maximum amount of nutrition through the various foods they eat.


There are over 1300 different species of cichlid discovered from freshwater bodies around the globe. Most of these come from the lakes and rivers found in Africa and South America, but others are also found in Asia and Central America.

There are some species of cichlids that are herbivores meaning they eat only vegetable matter such as algae and plants. Some cichlids are Carnivores and eat smaller fish, insects and other animals. A large number of cichlids tend to be omnivores, which means they eat both meat and vegetable matter.

Types of Food:

Overall, there is a vast variety of foods out there to suit the needs of all your different cichlids. Choosing the right foods really depend on what types your fish respond most positively to. The most important thing to remember is to feed your fish foods that are going to provide the most nutrition for maximized health.


Frozen Brine Shrimp Frozen brine shrimp

Algae Wafers Algae Wafers

Tetra Color Granules Tetra Color Granules

Tropical Fish Flakes Tropical Fish Flakes

Cichlid Staple Baby Pellets Cichlid Staple Baby Pellets


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