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Red-spot puffer - Tetraodon abei

Red-spot puffer - Tetraodon abei

Scientific name: Tetraodon abei

Common name: Red-spot puffer

Family: Tetraodontidae

Usual size in fish tanks: 10 - 11 cm (3.94 - 4.33 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6.4 - 7.1

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 3 - 15°N (53.57 - 267.86ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 23 - 27 °C (73.4 - 80.6°F)

The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning

Where the species comes from: South Asia

Temperament to its own species: aggressive/territorial

Temperament toward other fish species: aggressive/territorial

Usual place in the tank: Middle levels

Food and Feeding

Red-Spot Puffers require a protein-rich diet. Their teeth continuously grow, so they need hard-shelled foods to keep them trimmed. Offer them snails, crustaceans, krill, and prawns. Supplement with bloodworms, live or frozen foods, and occasional small fish to maintain optimal health.


Red-Spot Puffers are native to Asia, specifically the Mekong River Basins. They are typically found in slow-moving waters, flooded forests, and river tributaries.


There are no visually distinguishable differences between male and female Red-Spot Puffers.


Breeding Red-Spot Puffers in captivity is extremely challenging. The male assumes the role of protector, aggressively chasing the female away after spawning. Raising the fry is inconsistent, making successful breeding rare.


The expected lifespan of a Red-Spot Puffer is approximately 5 years with proper care.


Red-Spot Puffers are highly territorial and aggressive, making them difficult to house with other fish. It is best to keep them in a species-only tank. If tankmates are attempted, consider fast-moving, robust fish like larger barbs or loaches, but be prepared to separate them if aggression occurs.

Tank Setup

  • Minimum Tank Size: 100 liters (~26 gallons) for a single specimen.
  • Substrate: Fine sand or smooth gravel to protect their sensitive undersides.
  • Filtration: Strong, well-maintained filtration due to their messy eating habits.
  • Decorations: Plenty of plants, caves, and driftwood to mimic their natural habitat and provide hiding spots.
  • Water Conditions: Maintain a stable pH of 6.4 - 7.1 and soft to moderately hard water.

Short Description

The Red-Spot Puffer (Tetraodon abei) is a fascinating yet demanding species. Due to their sensitivity to poor water quality, a stable environment with frequent water changes and substrate cleaning is essential. These fish are best suited for experienced aquarists willing to provide the specialized care they require. They are inquisitive and can recognize their owners, making them an engaging species to keep.


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