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Elephant nose - Gnathonemus petersii

Elephant nose - Gnathonemus petersii

Scientific name: Gnathonemus petersii

Common name: Elephant nose

Family: Mormyridae

Usual size in fish tanks: 15 - 20 cm (5.91 - 7.87 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 7.5

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 23 - 29 °C (73.4 - 84.2°F)

The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning

Where the species comes from: Africa

Temperament to its own species: peaceful

Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful

Usual place in the tank: Bottom levels


The Elephant Nose Fish is native to the slow-moving rivers and waterways of Africa. It inhabits murky waters with soft substrates and dense vegetation, using its specialized snout (proboscis) to detect prey.


With proper care, these fish can live up to 10 years, though many in captivity do not reach this age due to improper care.

Short Description

The Elephant Nose Fish is a fascinating species known for its unique appearance and advanced electrolocation ability. It uses weak electric fields to navigate and hunt in dimly lit waters.

Despite being peaceful, these fish have specific care requirements that must be met for them to thrive:

  • Scaleless and sensitive to medications: Avoid adding strong treatments directly to the main tank.
  • Needs dim lighting: Floating plants help diffuse excessive brightness.
  • Prefers a sandy substrate: Their delicate proboscis can be injured by rough gravel.
  • Territorial in groups: Provide hiding spaces using driftwood or caves.

Tank Requirements

  • Tank Size: Minimum 120 cm (48 inches) for a single specimen; larger if kept in a group.
  • Water Parameters:
  • Substrate: Fine sand or smooth gravel to prevent injury.
  • Lighting: Dim lighting or shaded areas with floating plants.
  • Filtration: High-quality filtration with gentle water flow.


The Elephant Nose Fish is a carnivore that requires a protein-rich diet. Suitable foods include:

  • Live or frozen foods: Bloodworms, blackworms, and brine shrimp.
  • Tablet and pellet foods: High-protein sinking pellets.
  • Beef heart: Occasionally offered as a treat.
  • Enriched foods: Vitamin-enhanced options improve immune health.

Avoid flake food, as these fish prefer food that sinks to the bottom.


Sexing the Elephant Nose Fish is difficult, as there are no significant external differences between males and females.


Breeding in captivity is rare, though there have been anecdotal reports of successful spawnings. They require soft, acidic water with plenty of hiding places.

Compatible Tank Mates

Elephant Nose Fish are peaceful but sensitive and should be housed with non-aggressive tank mates. Ideal companions include:

  • Other peaceful bottom dwellers: Corydoras, Synodontis catfish.
  • Slow-moving fish: Angelfish, Gouramis.
  • Schooling species: Tetras, Rasboras.

Avoid aggressive or highly competitive fish, such as cichlids or fast-feeding species.

Common Issues

  • Stress from improper tank conditions: Ensure stable water parameters.
  • Malnutrition: Provide a protein-rich diet.
  • Electric field interference: Avoid strong electronic devices near the tank.


The Elephant Nose Fish is a unique and captivating species that requires specific care to thrive. With the right setup, diet, and companions, it can be a rewarding addition to a well-maintained aquarium.


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Elephant nose, picture 1 Elephant nose, picture 2 Elephant nose, picture 3 Elephant nose, picture 4

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