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Telanthera lilacina

Telanthera lilacina

Scientific name: Telanthera lilacina

Family: Amaranthaceae

Usual maximum size in aquariums: 27 - 41 cm (10.63 - 16.14 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6.4 - 7.1

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 5 - 14°N (89.29 - 250ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 22 - 26 °C (71.6 - 78.8°F)

Reproduction of the plant: Cuttings

Origin (in the wild): South America

How fast these plants grow: Normal

Recommended substrate: Fine gravel

Demands on lighting: Bright

Ideal placement in a fish tank: Background



Common Name

Telanthera Lilacina, Purple Alternanthera


Telanthera lilacina is easily propagated through cuttings, making it a rewarding plant for aquarists willing to provide proper care. While flowering and seed production are rare in aquariums, propagation by cuttings is straightforward. Simply break off the bottom two pairs of leaves to expose a bare section of the stem. Gently insert the stem into the substrate, ensuring it remains undamaged. Within a few weeks, roots will form, allowing the new plant to establish itself. Given the right conditions, the plant will grow steadily, especially under bright lighting and in nutrient-rich environments.


Difficult. Telanthera lilacina demands specific water parameters, bright lighting, and nutrient-rich conditions to thrive, making it a challenging choice for novice aquarists. Regular CO2 injection, along with proper nutrient supplementation, is essential to maintain the plant's health and vivid coloration. Its sensitive nature makes it more suitable for advanced hobbyists who can provide consistent care.

Short Description

Native to South America, Telanthera lilacina stands out for its striking purple and red hues, which lend a bold contrast to aquascapes. This plant can grow up to 41 cm (16.14 inches) under optimal conditions and is ideally suited as a background plant. Under bright lighting, the undersides of its leaves take on a deep reddish tint, enhancing its visual appeal. A nutrient-rich substrate and CO2 supplementation are recommended to support its growth and maintain its vivid colors. Though stunning, this plant can be difficult to maintain long-term due to its high demands.

Maintenance and Care

Telanthera lilacina requires regular and attentive care to flourish. It thrives in a pH range of 6.4 to 7.1, with a water hardness between 5 - 14°N (89.29 - 250 ppm). The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 22 - 26°C (71.6 - 78.8°F). Bright lighting is essential to preserve its intense purple and red tones, while insufficient light may result in faded colors and stunted growth. A fine gravel substrate enriched with nutrients is recommended to promote healthy root development. Regular trimming is necessary to prevent the plant from becoming leggy or overshadowing other plants in the tank. Consistency in care is key to keeping this beautiful plant vibrant.


This plant thrives best in peaceful community tanks with fish species that do not disturb or uproot plants. In aquascapes, it functions well as a background plant, offering a striking contrast to green plants. Due to its delicate nature, it is not well-suited to tanks with fish that nibble on plants or environments lacking strong lighting and nutrients.

Submersion and Aquascaping

Fully aquatic, Telanthera lilacina is a stunning choice for aquascaping, particularly as a background plant in larger aquariums. Its vibrant purple and red hues make it a centerpiece for aquarists who seek visual impact. To achieve its full potential, this plant requires bright lighting and regular CO2 supplementation. It can grow up to the water surface and, in optimal conditions, may even extend above the waterline. For experienced aquarists, Telanthera lilacina offers a rewarding challenge, transforming aquariums with its dynamic colors and graceful growth patterns.

Telanthera lilacina

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