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Myriophyllum aquaticum

Myriophyllum aquaticum

Scientific name: Myriophyllum aquaticum

Family: Haloragaceae

Usual maximum size in aquariums: 15 - 30 cm (5.91 - 11.81 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 8

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 8 - 16°N (142.86 - 285.71ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 23 - 28 °C (73.4 - 82.4°F)

Reproduction of the plant: Cuttings

Origin (in the wild): South America

How fast these plants grow: Fast

Recommended substrate: Fine gravel

Demands on lighting: Bright

Ideal placement in a fish tank: Background

Common Name

Parrot Feather


This plant is native to the Amazon River in South America.


Virtually all of these plants are female even in its native countries so the only way to propagate this plant is by cuttings. The stems are very brittle and can easily be removed by pinching with fingernails or using sharp scissors. The cuttings are p[laced directly into the substrate very carefully so as not to crush the stem and new plants will be formed. In the wild fragments are broken off and they attach themselves elsewhere.



Short Description

Due to the scarcity of male plants, this species very rarely flowers. When they do the flowers are very small and white in colour. They are quite a hardy plant as regards to water parameters but most damage done to them is from fish rooting around them and breaking away the stems. If kept in an open topped aquarium they will grow above the water line.

Synonyms: Enydria aquatica, Myriophyllum brasiliense, Myriophyllum proserpinacoides.

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