How to Hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs
This article has been reprinted with permission given by David of Artemia USA who is the legitimate author of this article (the article is only reprinted at Minor changes within HTML code in comparison to the original article may exist. The original version of the article can be found here:
How to Hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs using our Hatchery
Connect the big air tube to the bottom of the cone and connect the L-type Air Valve to an air pump.
Suspend the cone from something sturdy using the attached rope. Turn air pump on and fill the cone with 2L of water. You can see the bubbles coming up from the bottom of hatching cone. You can adjust the Aeration by turning the L-type air valve.
Using the larger of the enclosed spoons, measure one spoon of salt and drop into the hatching cone, do not make this a heaping spoonful, level or slightly less is best. Do not use salt with iodine in it (most table salts) it’s best to use a marine salt.
Using the smaller of enclosed spoons, measure 8 spoons of brine shrimp eggs for 2L hatching water (2g eggs for per liter hatching water) and drop into the hatching cone. You will notice that some eggs will cling to the sides of the cone, it’s a good idea to use one of the droppers to suck up some of the water and wash the clinging eggs back into the bubbling water as often as possible.
Depending on the water temperature your brine shrimp eggs should hatch in approximately 18-36 hours. When ready to harvest close the L-type air valve and shut off the air pump. Put a light near the bottom of your hatchery, this will attract the babies to the bottom of the cone. To collect newly hatched nauplii simply remove the air line from the air pump, place the end of the air line into a container to hold the babies and open the valve on the L-type air valve. Do not drain all the water or dump the contents of the 2L cone into your tanks, the broken egg shells float to the surface so make sure to leave a couple inches of the hatch water in the cone.
There you have it, now wash out the cone and flush the air line with fresh water and you’re ready to use it again.