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Causes And Removal Of Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) In A Fish Pond

Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae, are micro-organisms similar to bacteria without a nucleus and organelles. They contain chlorophyll and can photosynthesize which bacteria cannot. They have, thus, provided oxygen to Earth since time immemorial and enriched the atmosphere. They are found in oceans, lakes, ponds, damp soil, wet rocks, etc.

Cyanobacteria have evolved and adapted dramatically with modern changes in the climate. They have become accustomed to good UV lights, high temperatures, more saline levels in water and others. Although they are too small to be seen without a microscope, their colonies are visible from afar. Cyanobacterial blooms could be harmful to humans, animals or our ecosystem.

Blue-Green algae

Causes of Cyanobacteria

The changes in the climate have had a significant boost in the increase in the growth of cyanobacteria. Change in the hydrologic patterns, enrichment of anthropogenic nutrients, increased supply of nutrients like oxygen and phosphorus, enhancement in carbon dioxide levels and rise in temperatures of water had a massive effect on the growth of cyanobacteria. Contact with other biota and vertical stratification also are major causes behind the development of cyanobacteria.

Dangers of cyanobacteria

The growth of cyanobacteria is a cause of concern for many and has become a source of danger. They have a tremendous impact on wide areas:

Removal of cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria constitute a significant threat to the water bodies and the organisms living inside. It becomes essential to manage them properly to keep the water bodies safe. There are several methods through which cyanobacteria can be controlled:

Final Word

It is crucial to understand the dynamics of the aquatic ecosystem and we should keep an eye on the means of removal of cyanobacteria. We should be careful that they do not harm the water and the other organisms living inside it and disturb their harmony. Hence the use of good UV lights or ultrasonic sounds has become prevalent as safe and secure means to carry out the process.

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