Shinnersia rivularis
Scientific name: Shinnersia rivularis
Family: Asteraceae
Usual maximum size in aquariums: 40 - 60 cm (15.75 - 23.62 inch)
Recommended pH range for the species: 5.5 - 8
Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm)
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Recommended temperature: 18 - 30 °C (64.4 - 86°F)
Reproduction of the plant: Cuttings
Origin (in the wild): Central America
How fast these plants grow: Fast
Recommended substrate: Gravel
Demands on lighting: Bright
Ideal placement in a fish tank: Background
Common Name
Mexican Oak Leaf
Shinnersia rivularis, also known as Mexican Oak Leaf, is easily propagated through cuttings. To propagate, take side shoots from the mother plant and remove the lower two pairs of leaves to expose the stem. Gently place the bare stem into the substrate, ensuring that the stem is not damaged in the process. Over the next few weeks, the cuttings will develop a robust root system and establish themselves as new plants. Thanks to its rapid growth, propagation can be repeated often, making it an ideal choice for aquarists seeking to quickly fill the background of their aquariums with lush, vibrant greenery.
Easy. Shinnersia rivularis is highly adaptable to a wide range of water conditions, making it an excellent choice for beginners. It thrives without the need for specialized care, making it a low-maintenance yet visually appealing option for any aquarium setup.
Short Description
Known for its oak-like leaves, Shinnersia rivularis is a fast-growing aquatic plant that can reach heights of up to 60 cm (23.62 inches). Native to Central America, it is particularly suited for large aquariums where it can serve as a striking background plant. The plant's unique leaf shape, resembling those of oak trees, adds a natural and appealing aesthetic to any tank. Under bright lighting, it grows rapidly, and its adaptability to different water parameters - including a pH range of 5.5 to 8 and temperatures between 18 - 30 °C (64.4 - 86°F) - makes it highly versatile for various aquarium setups.
Maintenance and Care
Due to its fast-growing nature, regular trimming is necessary to prevent Shinnersia rivularis from overtaking the tank and overshadowing smaller plants. In high-light environments, the plant develops longer stems and wider gaps between leaf groups, while lower light results in a more compact growth form with tighter leaf clusters. It thrives in gravel substrates and is best placed in the background to prevent it from blocking light for smaller plants in the foreground. Its hardy nature and fast growth make it perfect for aquarists looking to create a lush, vibrant aquascape with minimal maintenance.
Shinnersia rivularis is highly compatible with peaceful fish and invertebrates, offering excellent shelter for small fish and fry. Its fast growth also helps control nutrient levels in the aquarium by absorbing excess nutrients, which in turn reduces algae growth. Additionally, the plant is resilient enough to withstand nibbling from herbivorous fish, making it a great addition to community tanks with mixed species.
Submersion and Aquascaping
This fully aquatic plant thrives when completely submerged, growing tall and creating a dense, green backdrop in the aquarium. Its rapid growth and height make it perfect for background planting, where it forms a visually striking and vibrant green wall. Its versatility extends beyond aquariums - Shinnersia rivularis can also be used in shallow areas of outdoor ponds, where it can grow as both an emergent and fully submerged plant. Its unique leaf structure, combined with its fast-growing and adaptable nature, makes it a popular choice among aquarists and pond keepers alike, adding both texture and color to any aquascape or pond setting.