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Hydrocotyle verticillata

Hydrocotyle verticillata

Scientific name: Hydrocotyle verticillata

Family: Apiaceae

Usual maximum size in aquariums: 0 - 10 cm (0 - 3.94 inch)


Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 7.8

Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm)

0°C 32°F30°C 86°F

Recommended temperature: 15 - 25 °C (59 - 77°F)

Reproduction of the plant: Lateral shoots

Origin (in the wild): South America

How fast these plants grow: Slow

Recommended substrate: Fine gravel

Demands on lighting: Bright

Ideal placement in a fish tank: Foreground



Planting Area

Hydrocotyle verticillata, commonly known as Whorled Pennywort, is an ideal choice for the foreground of an aquarium. Its small size, with a maximum height of around 10 cm (3.94 inches), makes it suitable for creating a lush green carpet effect in the front of the tank. In smaller aquariums, it can serve as a primary focal plant, while in larger setups, it provides an attractive contrast to taller background plants. Its unique parasol-shaped leaves add visual interest, creating a natural and serene aquascape.


Propagating Hydrocotyle verticillata is straightforward, primarily achieved through lateral shoots that grow sideways from the mother plant. New plantlets emerge at each node along the stems and will establish themselves in the substrate if provided with sufficient nutrients. To promote quick root growth in these new plantlets, ensure that the substrate is nutrient-rich. Cuttings can be taken from the runners, as long as each section has a growing leaf. This allows for controlled propagation, enabling aquarists to manage the plant's spread effectively and prevent it from becoming invasive. It also allows for easy relocation of cuttings to other parts of the aquarium or different tanks.


Hydrocotyle verticillata is classified as an easy plant to care for, making it an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists. Its adaptable nature allows it to thrive in a variety of water conditions, although it prefers bright lighting to maintain its compact, low-growing form. Its resilience and ease of propagation make it a popular choice for aquascapers looking to create a vibrant foreground carpet in their tanks.

Short Description

Whorled Pennywort is a versatile aquatic plant that can be grown both emersed and submersed. When grown emersed, such as at the edges of ponds or in marshy environments, it exhibits a faster growth rate. However, when submerged in an aquarium, its growth rate slows significantly, allowing it to maintain a more manageable form. Under bright lighting conditions, it stays low and forms a dense carpet across the substrate, while in medium lighting, it may grow taller as it reaches for the light.

In its natural habitat, Hydrocotyle verticillata is often considered a weed due to its extensive spread across the Americas. In the aquarium, the key to a healthy and attractive plant is maintaining the right lighting conditions. Insufficient lighting will cause it to become leggy and weak, while bright lighting ensures robust stems and compact growth. Its distinct, parasol-shaped leaves add a unique aesthetic to aquascapes, making it a striking foreground plant.


While Hydrocotyle verticillata is relatively low-maintenance, it does require bright lighting to thrive and maintain its compact form. When provided with optimal lighting, the plant will stay low and form a dense carpet. However, under medium lighting, it may grow taller and lose its carpet-like appearance. Regular trimming is essential to control its spread and encourage bushy growth, preventing it from overshadowing other plants in the aquarium.

To promote healthy growth and vibrant coloration, ensure that the substrate is nutrient-rich. Supplementing the aquarium with liquid fertilizers can help support the plant's nutrient needs, especially in tanks with a sparse substrate. In emersed setups, such as in paludariums or outdoor ponds, the plant can grow rapidly and may require frequent trimming to keep it in check. As with all aquatic plants, avoid introducing cuttings or plant matter into natural waterways, as Hydrocotyle verticillata can become invasive.

Final Note

Hydrocotyle verticillata is a versatile and attractive plant that can add a unique touch to any aquarium setup. Its ease of propagation and care make it suitable for aquarists of all levels. By providing the right lighting and maintaining the plant through regular trimming, you can create a lush green carpet that enhances the overall aesthetics of your aquascape. Whether used in a freshwater aquarium or an outdoor pond, this plant offers both beauty and utility.

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