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Benefits of using plastic aquatic plants

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Adding decorations to your aquarium can be almost as much fun as putting the fish in the tank for the first time. Adding plants to your aquarium can be a very cost effective way to spruce things up a bit. Plastic plants are inexpensive, and require very little maintenance or care once they are placed in the aquarium.


Here, at, we always recommend growing your own live plants. However in a few cases use of plastic plants may come handy. I.e. if you keep herbivores that eat plants, if you're a newbie, if you'd like to add a few that look pretty to an already planted tank. Bear in mind live plants produce oxygen, they partially act as a filter, etc.

Adding decorations to your aquarium can be almost as much fun as putting the fish in the tank for the first time. Adding plants to your aquarium can be a very cost effective way to spruce things up a bit. Plastic plants are inexpensive, and require very little maintenance or care once they are placed in the aquarium.

The idea of adding plastic plants has made many aquarium owners shudder. At one time plastic plants were considered bulky eyesores added by novices to make their aquarium look better. You didn’t have to have a magnifying glass in hand to be able to tell that the plants weren’t real, all you had to do was look at them and there was no doubt.

Aquarium plastic plants today are nothing like what they once were. They can look so real, that you have to actually touch them to tell that they are plastic. These plants are made more realistic by the fact that many are made of silk, which allows them to move freely within the water.

One benefit that aquarium plastic plants give is that they shine in all their glory as soon as you place them in your tank, whereas live aquatic plants take time to grow and blossom. It is important that before you place any aquarium plastic plant in your tank that you give it a quick rinse to remove any contaminants that could possibly harm your fish. To help make the plants even more realistic you can soak them in warm water for about thirty minutes, which helps soften the fabric.

Plastic aquarium plants require no extra care, you don’t have to purchase special lighting, no supplemental nutrients, and they can be placed in any aquarium substrate.

You can design freely using plastic aquarium plants; your only limit is your imagination. Choose any plant that you like, and place in anywhere you wish inside your tank. If you don’t like it once you place it, simply pick it up and more it to a new location until you do. You don’t have to worry about choosing plants that can live in your tank, aquarium plastic plants work in freshwater or saltwater tanks. Choose whatever plants you prefer, and place them anywhere you wish. Yes, it is that simple!

In the event you notice that your plastic aquarium plants need to be cleaned, simply remove them and rinse them off, or you can soak them in a cleaner made just for plastic aquarium plants. No matter what cleaner you decide to use, if any, make certain that it is safe for your fish.

You cannot kill your plastic aquarium plants. You do not have to prune them, feed them, or sing to them to make them grow, and they will always be there unless you decide to remove them. Once you make the initial purchase, you will never have to spend money on them again, unless you decide you want new ones.

Many fish tend to eat live aquatic plants, meaning that you either have to be very careful when purchasing plants for your aquarium, or have to constantly spend money replacing them as they are eaten. The worst thing that your fish can do to your plastic aquarium plants is to uproot them, or knock them out of position, which you can easily fix in a matter of seconds. They are not harmful to your fish in any way, and in fact they help make the fish more comfortable in the aquarium environment.

Anytime that you introduce live aquarium plants into your tank, you risk the safety of your fish who already live there. Live plants may be infested with pest or parasites, or may have been treated with chemicals that could be harmful to your fish. With plastic aquarium plants, there is less chance of contamination, therefore reducing the risks to your fish.

Plastic aquarium plants do not change the water quality in your tank. They don’t release oxygen or carbon monoxide, so you don’t have to worry about having to monitor water conditions more closely as with live plants. Live plants tend to serve as a breeding ground for algae to grow, causing you to have to work much harder to keep your tank clean and safe for your fish. Live plants also can cause pH imbalances in the water because they suck oxygen out of the water during nights and away from the fish.

You don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of your aquarium water with plastic aquarium plants as you do with live plants. Live plants tend to wither and rot, which has a major impact on the quality and cleanliness of the water in your tank.

As you can see, plastic aquarium plants add a life like appearance to your aquarium, while maintaining the safety of your fish. They are easy to care for, just clean them once in a while and enjoy. There is no need to monitor water quality more closely, no need to worry about excess algae growth, or having to remove dead or wilting plants from the tank. Plastic aquarium plants are a convenient, fairly inexpensive way to add your own decorative touch to your aquarium tank.

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